Source code for max7219.led

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time

from max7219.font import DEFAULT_FONT
from max7219.rotate8x8 import rotate

[docs]class constants(object): MAX7219_REG_NOOP = 0x0 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 = 0x1 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT1 = 0x2 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT2 = 0x3 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT3 = 0x4 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT4 = 0x5 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT5 = 0x6 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT6 = 0x7 MAX7219_REG_DIGIT7 = 0x8 MAX7219_REG_DECODEMODE = 0x9 MAX7219_REG_INTENSITY = 0xA MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT = 0xB MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN = 0xC MAX7219_REG_DISPLAYTEST = 0xF
[docs]class device(object): """ Base class for handling multiple cascaded MAX7219 devices. Callers should generally pick either the :py:class:`sevensegment` or :py:class:`matrix` subclasses instead depending on which application is required. A buffer is maintained which holds the bytes that will be cascaded every time :py:func:`flush` is called. """ NUM_DIGITS = 8 def __init__(self, cascaded=1, spi_bus=0, spi_device=0, vertical=False): """ Constructor: `cascaded` should be the number of daisy-chained MAX7219 devices that are connected. `vertical` should be set to True if the text should start from the header instead perpendicularly. """ import spidev assert cascaded > 0, "Must have at least one device!" self._cascaded = cascaded self._buffer = [0] * self.NUM_DIGITS * self._cascaded self._spi = spidev.SpiDev(), spi_device) self._vertical = vertical self.command(constants.MAX7219_REG_SCANLIMIT, 7) # show all 8 digits self.command(constants.MAX7219_REG_DECODEMODE, 0) # use matrix (not digits) self.command(constants.MAX7219_REG_DISPLAYTEST, 0) # no display test self.command(constants.MAX7219_REG_SHUTDOWN, 1) # not shutdown mode self.brightness(7) # intensity: range: 0..15 self.clear()
[docs] def command(self, register, data): """ Sends a specific register some data, replicated for all cascaded devices """ assert constants.MAX7219_REG_DECODEMODE <= register <= constants.MAX7219_REG_DISPLAYTEST self._write([register, data] * self._cascaded)
def _write(self, data): """ Send the bytes (which should comprise of alternating command, data values) over the SPI device. """ self._spi.xfer2(list(data)) def _values(self, position, buf): """ A generator which yields the digit/column position and the data value from that position for each of the cascaded devices. """ for deviceId in range(self._cascaded): yield position + constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 yield buf[(deviceId * self.NUM_DIGITS) + position]
[docs] def clear(self, deviceId=None): """ Clears the buffer the given deviceId if specified (else clears all devices), and flushes. """ assert not deviceId or 0 <= deviceId < self._cascaded, "Invalid deviceId: {0}".format(deviceId) if deviceId is None: start = 0 end = self._cascaded else: start = deviceId end = deviceId + 1 for deviceId in range(start, end): for position in range(self.NUM_DIGITS): self.set_byte(deviceId, position + constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0, 0, redraw=False) self.flush()
def _preprocess_buffer(self, buf): """ Overload in subclass to provide custom behaviour: see matrix implementation for example. """ return buf
[docs] def flush(self): """ For each digit/column, cascade out the contents of the buffer cells to the SPI device. """ # Allow subclasses to pre-process the buffer: they shouldn't # alter it, so make a copy first. buf = self._preprocess_buffer(list(self._buffer)) assert len(buf) == len(self._buffer), "Preprocessed buffer is wrong size" if self._vertical: tmp_buf = [] for x in range(0, self._cascaded): tmp_buf += rotate(buf[x*8:x*8+8]) buf = tmp_buf for posn in range(self.NUM_DIGITS): self._write(self._values(posn, buf))
[docs] def brightness(self, intensity): """ Sets the brightness level of all cascaded devices to the same intensity level, ranging from 0..15. Note that setting the brightness to a high level will draw more current, and may cause intermittent issues / crashes if the USB power source is insufficient. """ assert 0 <= intensity < 16, "Invalid brightness: {0}".format(intensity) self.command(constants.MAX7219_REG_INTENSITY, intensity)
[docs] def set_byte(self, deviceId, position, value, redraw=True): """ Low level mechanism to set a byte value in the buffer array. If redraw is not suppled, or set to True, will force a redraw of _all_ buffer items: If you are calling this method rapidly/frequently (e.g in a loop), it would be more efficient to set to False, and when done, call :py:func:`flush`. Prefer to use the higher-level method calls in the subclasses below. """ assert 0 <= deviceId < self._cascaded, "Invalid deviceId: {0}".format(deviceId) assert constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 <= position <= constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT7, "Invalid digit/column: {0}".format(position) assert 0 <= value < 256, 'Value {0} outside range 0..255'.format(value) offset = (deviceId * self.NUM_DIGITS) + position - constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 self._buffer[offset] = value if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def rotate_left(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the buffer one column to the left. The data that scrolls off the left side re-appears at the right-most position. If redraw is not suppled, or left set to True, will force a redraw of _all_ buffer items """ t = self._buffer[-1] for i in range((self.NUM_DIGITS * self._cascaded) - 1, 0, -1): self._buffer[i] = self._buffer[i - 1] self._buffer[0] = t if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def rotate_right(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the buffer one column to the right. The data that scrolls off the right side re-appears at the left-most position. If redraw is not suppled, or left set to True, will force a redraw of _all_ buffer items """ t = self._buffer[0] for i in range(0, (self.NUM_DIGITS * self._cascaded) - 1, 1): self._buffer[i] = self._buffer[i + 1] self._buffer[-1] = t if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def scroll_left(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the buffer one column to the left. Any data that scrolls off the left side is lost and does not re-appear on the right. An empty column is inserted at the right-most position. If redraw is not suppled, or set to True, will force a redraw of _all_ buffer items """ del self._buffer[0] self._buffer.append(0) if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def scroll_right(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the buffer one column to the right. Any data that scrolls off the right side is lost and does not re-appear on the left. An empty column is inserted at the left-most position. If redraw is not suppled, or set to True, will force a redraw of _all_ buffer items """ del self._buffer[-1] self._buffer.insert(0, 0) if redraw: self.flush()
[docs]class sevensegment(device): """ Implementation of MAX7219 devices cascaded with a series of seven-segment LEDs. It provides a convenient method to write a number to a given device in octal, decimal or hex, flushed left/right with zero padding. Base 10 numbers can be either integers or floating point (with the number of decimal points configurable). """ _UNDEFINED = 0x08 _RADIX = {8: 'o', 10: 'f', 16: 'x'} # Some letters cannot be represented by 7 segments, so dictionay lookup # will default to _UNDEFINED (an underscore) instead. _DIGITS = { ' ': 0x00, '-': 0x01, '_': 0x08, '0': 0x7e, '1': 0x30, '2': 0x6d, '3': 0x79, '4': 0x33, '5': 0x5b, '6': 0x5f, '7': 0x70, '8': 0x7f, '9': 0x7b, 'a': 0x7d, 'b': 0x1f, 'c': 0x0d, 'd': 0x3d, 'e': 0x6f, 'f': 0x47, 'g': 0x7b, 'h': 0x17, 'i': 0x10, 'j': 0x18, # 'k': cant represent 'l': 0x06, # 'm': cant represent 'n': 0x15, 'o': 0x1d, 'p': 0x67, 'q': 0x73, 'r': 0x05, 's': 0x5b, 't': 0x0f, 'u': 0x1c, 'v': 0x1c, # 'w': cant represent # 'x': cant represent 'y': 0x3b, 'z': 0x6d, 'A': 0x77, 'B': 0x7f, 'C': 0x4e, 'D': 0x7e, 'E': 0x4f, 'F': 0x47, 'G': 0x5e, 'H': 0x37, 'I': 0x30, 'J': 0x38, # 'K': cant represent 'L': 0x0e, # 'M': cant represent 'N': 0x76, 'O': 0x7e, 'P': 0x67, 'Q': 0x73, 'R': 0x46, 'S': 0x5b, 'T': 0x0f, 'U': 0x3e, 'V': 0x3e, # 'W': cant represent # 'X': cant represent 'Y': 0x3b, 'Z': 0x6d, ',': 0x80, '.': 0x80 }
[docs] def letter(self, deviceId, position, char, dot=False, redraw=True): """ Looks up the most appropriate character representation for char from the digits table, and writes that bitmap value into the buffer at the given deviceId / position. """ assert dot in [0, 1, False, True] value = self._DIGITS.get(str(char), self._UNDEFINED) | (dot << 7) self.set_byte(deviceId, position, value, redraw)
[docs] def write_number(self, deviceId, value, base=10, decimalPlaces=0, zeroPad=False, leftJustify=False): """ Formats the value according to the parameters supplied, and displays on the specified device. If the formatted number is larger than 8 digits, then an OverflowError is raised. """ assert 0 <= deviceId < self._cascaded, "Invalid deviceId: {0}".format(deviceId) assert base in self._RADIX, "Invalid base: {0}".format(base) # Magic up a printf format string size = self.NUM_DIGITS formatStr = '%' if zeroPad: formatStr += '0' if decimalPlaces > 0: size += 1 if leftJustify: size *= -1 formatStr = '{fmt}{size}.{dp}{type}'.format( fmt=formatStr, size=size, dp=decimalPlaces, type=self._RADIX[base]) position = constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT7 strValue = formatStr % value # Go through each digit in the formatted string, # updating the buffer accordingly for char in strValue: if position < constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0: self.clear(deviceId) raise OverflowError('{0} too large for display'.format(strValue)) if char == '.': continue dp = (decimalPlaces > 0 and position == decimalPlaces + 1) self.letter(deviceId, position, char, dot=dp, redraw=False) position -= 1 self.flush()
[docs] def write_text(self, deviceId, text): """ Outputs the text (as near as possible) on the specific device. If text is larger than 8 characters, then an OverflowError is raised. """ assert 0 <= deviceId < self._cascaded, "Invalid deviceId: {0}".format(deviceId) if len(text) > 8: raise OverflowError('{0} too large for display'.format(text)) for pos, char in enumerate(text.ljust(8)[::-1]): self.letter(deviceId, constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 + pos, char, redraw=False) self.flush()
[docs] def show_message(self, text, delay=0.4): """ Transitions the text message across the devices from left-to-right """ # Add some spaces on (same number as cascaded devices) so that the # message scrolls off to the left completely. text += ' ' * self._cascaded * 8 for value in text: time.sleep(delay) self.scroll_right(redraw=False) self._buffer[0] = self._DIGITS.get(value, self._UNDEFINED) self.flush()
[docs]class matrix(device): """ Implementation of MAX7219 devices cascaded with a series of 8x8 LED matrix devices. It provides a convenient methods to write letters to specific devices, to scroll a large message from left-to-right, or to set specific pixels. It is assumed the matrices are linearly aligned. """ _invert = 0 _orientation = 0
[docs] def letter(self, deviceId, asciiCode, font=None, redraw=True): """ Writes the ASCII letter code to the given device in the specified font. """ assert 0 <= asciiCode < 256 if not font: font = DEFAULT_FONT col = constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT0 for value in font[asciiCode]: if col > constants.MAX7219_REG_DIGIT7: self.clear(deviceId) raise OverflowError('Font for \'{0}\' too large for display'.format(asciiCode)) self.set_byte(deviceId, col, value, redraw=False) col += 1 if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def scroll_up(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the underlying buffer (for all cascaded devices) up one pixel """ self._buffer = [value >> 1 for value in self._buffer] if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def scroll_down(self, redraw=True): """ Scrolls the underlying buffer (for all cascaded devices) down one pixel """ self._buffer = [(value << 1) & 0xff for value in self._buffer] if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def show_message(self, text, font=None, delay=0.05, always_scroll=False): """ Shows a message on the device. If it's longer then the total width (or always_scroll=True), it transitions the text message across the devices from right-to-left. """ if not font: font = DEFAULT_FONT display_length = self.NUM_DIGITS * self._cascaded src = [c for ascii_code in text for c in font[ord(ascii_code)]] scroll = always_scroll or len(src) > display_length if scroll: # Add some spaces on (same number as cascaded devices) so that the # message scrolls off to the left completely. src += [c for ascii_code in ' ' * self._cascaded for c in font[ord(ascii_code)]] else: # How much margin we need on the left so it's centered margin = int((display_length - len(src))/2) # Reset the buffer so no traces of the previous message are left self._buffer = [0] * display_length for pos, value in enumerate(src): if scroll: time.sleep(delay) self.scroll_left(redraw=False) self._buffer[-1] = value self.flush() else: self._buffer[margin+pos] = value if not scroll: self.flush()
[docs] def pixel(self, x, y, value, redraw=True): """ Sets (value = 1) or clears (value = 0) the pixel at the given co-ordinate. It may be more efficient to batch multiple pixel operations together with redraw=False, and then call :py:func:`flush` to redraw just once. """ assert 0 <= x < len(self._buffer) assert 0 <= y < self.NUM_DIGITS if value: self._buffer[x] |= (1 << y) else: self._buffer[x] &= ~(1 << y) if redraw: self.flush()
def _rotate(self, buf): """ Rotates tiles in the buffer by the given orientation """ result = [] for i in range(0, self._cascaded * self.NUM_DIGITS, self.NUM_DIGITS): tile = buf[i:i + self.NUM_DIGITS] for _ in range(self._orientation // 90): tile = rotate(tile) result += tile return result def _preprocess_buffer(self, buf): """ Inverts and/or orientates the buffer before flushing according to user set parameters """ if self._invert: buf = [~x & 0xff for x in buf] if self._orientation: buf = self._rotate(buf) return super(matrix, self)._preprocess_buffer(buf)
[docs] def invert(self, value, redraw=True): """ Sets whether the display should be inverted or not when displaying letters. """ assert value in [0, 1, False, True] self._invert = value if redraw: self.flush()
[docs] def orientation(self, angle, redraw=True): """ Sets the orientation (angle should be 0, 90, 180 or 270) at which the characters are displayed. """ assert angle in [0, 90, 180, 270] self._orientation = angle if redraw: self.flush()